E-Learning Solutions

The Integration of LMS (Learning Management System) for your Institution (School/ College) is a smarter way to Communicate between Teacher and Students. The LMS helps teachers manage their classes online and connect with students 24/7. 

Teachers can easily customize their gradebooks to their exact grading system, enter scores anytime from anywhere. 

Attendance Keeper 
Teachers can quickly enter attendance based on your school's marking system, easily export reports. 

Assignment Calendar 
Teachers can easily upload files, post homework and list class events so students and parents can access them 24/7. 

Online Messaging 
Teachers, parents, and students can safely connect online to answer questions in a private and SPAM-free environment. 

Teachers can build online quizzes in minutes, have student answers automatically graded and saved to your gradebook. 

Admin Reports 
Admins can track student grades and attendance 24/7 in real-time. They can even identify at-risk students with a single click 

Online Student Reports 
Students and parents get real-time, 24/7 access to their grades. 

Printable Reports 
Teachers and admins can also easily print or export reports anytime.