7TechSys can match your industry, as it has expertise to meet up the requirements of different businesses. Here are some industries that we spotlight and soon we will be diving into various emerging sectors.
- Consumer Products & Retail /Healthcare /Hotel Restaurants /
- Media & Entertainment /Corporate Solutions
We deliver customized solutions transversely every business sectors. For detail information about utilizing our services in your business please contact us.
Google Search had shown that nearly 45% of People in USA use Online search through there PC and Smartphones to finalize on there buying decision. It is the value of Website and its wide acceptability that makes a Retail Store Popular within the Customer circle. For Retail the Online Billing system and Website Feedback from the Loyal Customers is trend setting. To Avail the Software related to Retail and Website Design Contact us with your Business needs

For the Construction and Architects of today, we have the flexible solution in the form of Web forms and applications that brings your whole office data into your website and integrated to your business mobile. The Website for your Architect Portfolio including the facility to have the Appointment System is a great value to your core competency. If you are interested in the Construction Bussiness Promotion through Online Just send us a Query.
Designing the best of elearning solutions for the Schools, colleges and Universities are much more analytically approach. So we have a well analysed e-learning solutions to make sure the students and the teacher have a smooth and learning digital environment. The Online Assignment system with the grade valuation for the students are the must for today's competitive edge. Contact us to have your school /College /Institution to get Online . Only the earliest decision to get e-learning for your institution will make impact than later.
Travel and Transportation business survive on the value of your customers relation and the commitment . With the addition of Website Application for the Promotion and day to day offers , sending text messages on the Mobile Phones is the easiest and most economical way. We Provide you the Best of value added service to the travel agency and Transport Company with the latest mobile Promotions. There is a resulted increase in the Customer loyality for your services when you start sending goodwill messages and the status updates to them.
So just Send us a Mail to get a Detailed solution for your Agency.